Losing Vietnam

Society/Everyday life, Germany/Austria 2021

Bay and Tam, a Vietnamese couple living in Germany for the past 30 years, work as office cleaners by night and remain largely disconnected from German society. Their days are spent online, staying virtually connected to Vietnam through Skype and karaoke chatrooms. However, when a storm devastates their house in Vietnam, their digital world is shattered. As Tam scrambles to manage the repairs from afar, Bay begins to shift her focus, learning German in preparation for the arrival of their grandchild in Germany. While Bay envisions her future in Germany, Tam becomes more determined than ever to prioritize his ties to Vietnam. Mein Vietnam explores the meaning of home and the emotional tug between two worlds, shedding light on how this duality impacts marriage, family, and belonging. "A timely portrait of migrant experiences." Directors Ellrich and Mai, the latter being the subjects' daughter, present an intimate glimpse into the couple's daily struggles. With understated visuals and a thoughtful rhythm of work and home life, Mein Vietnam invites viewers into the quiet yet poignant realities of its two central characters. – Pat Mullen, povmagazine.com
70 min
Starting at 12
Audio language:


DOK.fest München @home 2021 Special Mention
FILMZ Mainz 2021 First prize, documentary film competition
FIRST STEPS Awards 2021 FIRST STEPS Award, Documentary

More information


Leopold Pape

Original title:

Mein Vietnam

Original language:


Further titles:

My Vietnam


16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 12

Audio language:


