Searching Eva

Society/Biography, Germany/United States 2019

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Eva, 25, an Italian living in Berlin, leads a public life, with all the consequences. At the age of 14, she gave herself a new name, declared privacy to be an outdated concept and published her first diary entry online. Since then, she has shared her life with the whole world, down to the most intimate detail. She lives multiple identities: cat owner, poet, sex worker, bisexual, ex-junkie, feminist, anarchist, model, zodiac sign Virgo.... She came of age on the Internet, where she turned her search for herself into a public spectacle that raises the question of what exactly "a woman has to be". Her reality is virtual and life is "something like an indie movie" - a subjective construction under her own direction. We jump from Berlin to her old homeland Italy, from Mexico to Athens, as if we were clicking through her Instagram profile. Eva runs fashion shows in Paris, is massaged by sugar daddies in bourgeois hotels, takes drugs, blow-dries her girlfriend's hair and plays with her cat. Instead of following a narrative thread, the film revolves around themes that Eva's life raises of its own accord: Questions about sexuality, gender, the concept of work and that of a fixed identity. In her blog posts, traces of thoughts and fragments of ideas, Eva demonstrates her astuteness and disarming honesty. A movie beyond all conventions, challenging in its subject matter and visually and aesthetically fascinating. You dive into Eva's world and emerge changed.
85 min
FSK 16
Audio language:


Outview - IFF Athen 2019 Audience Award
Edimotion - Festival für Filmschnitt und Montagekunst 2020 Bild-Kunst Editor Award Dokumentary

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Pia Hellenthal


Adam Hoya


Roman Holiday (Boyfriend)

Pietro Zambello (Naked boy in bed)

Grace Myron (Girl in Mexico on wave runner)

Original title:

Searching Eva

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 16

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