Die Geheimnisse des schönen Leo

Society/Politics, Germany 2019

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Leo Wagner was a co-founder of the CSU and a member of the Bundestag in Bonn. During the day, the generation of politicians shaped by the war fulfilled their duty on the political front of the Cold War, afterwards they relaxed in Cologne's nightlife with young women and old champagne. The families at home often served only as a façade. For Leo, the lavish lifestyle had its price. He got involved in dubious business dealings and Stasi contacts. His grandson, the young filmmaker Benedikt Schwarzer, now uncovers the political and personal background of one of the biggest political scandals of the Bonn Republic. Benedikt Schwarzer's research on Leo Wagner opens up an unvarnished view of the contradictions of his generation and the abysses of the Bonn Republic.
80 min
FSK 12
Audio language:


DOK.fest Munic 2017 Composition Grant
Starter Film Award of the City of Munich 2019
DOK.fest München 2018 2. Platz Publikumspreis

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Original title:

Die Geheimnisse des schönen Leo

Original language:



1.85:1 HD, Color with partial B/W

Age rating:

FSK 12

Audio language:
