Bob Morane, the hero of the action animated series, is a cool mixture of Indiana Jones and James Bond. In his fight against power-mad super criminals, the athletic Bob, who cuts a fine figure in every situation, travels through time and space. The man with the steel-blue eyes and the black mop of hair that defies every comb knows no fear - and danger attracts him like a magnet. Bob Morane fights evil wherever and in whatever form he encounters it!
Professor Clairembart has found clues in Sri Lanka to the whereabouts of the fabled 'Crown of Golconda' that once belonged to Genghis Khan. Ming, the 'Yellow Shadow', is a man feared throughout Asia with hypnotic eyes and superior intelligence. He is determined to get his hands on the crown because it is said to give him supernatural powers. Bob Morane and his friends Bill Ballantine and Sophia Paramount also set out in search of Genghis Khan's jewel. At the Mongol sanctuary, a battle ensues between Bob Morane, the Yellow Shadow and the Guardian of the Crown of Golconda ...
Bob Morane, the hero of the action animated series, is a cool mixture of Indiana Jones and James Bond. In his fight against power-mad super criminals, the athletic Bob, who cuts a fine figure in every situation, travels through time and space. The man with the steel-blue eyes and the black mop of hair that defies every comb knows no fear - and danger attracts him like a magnet. Bob Morane fights evil wherever and in whatever form he encounters it!
Professor Clairembart has found clues in Sri Lanka to the whereabouts of the fabled 'Crown of Golconda' that once belonged to Genghis Khan. Ming, the 'Yellow Shadow', is a man feared throughout Asia with hypnotic eyes and superior intelligence. He is determined to get his hands on the crown because it is said to give him supernatural powers. Bob Morane and his friends Bill Ballantine and Sophia Paramount also set out in search of Genghis Khan's jewel. At the Mongol sanctuary, a battle ensues between Bob Morane, the Yellow Shadow and the Guardian of the Crown of Golconda ...